Trick or Treat!!!
We tried explaining Halloween to Fikiswa… and the concept was a bit murky, but we decided that we could celebrate Halloween on our blog. Here are our costumes:

Aaarrrgghghghg! Scary 1/2 Portrait Andy!
We have a Dario Argento movie stored on the computer, so I think we’ll watch it tonight and try to scare eachother to death—muahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
October 31st, 2008 at 21:40
haha i LOVE your halloween poses.
November 1st, 2008 at 23:13
i feel like i’ve seen these pictures somewhere before…
great blog by the way. much better than mine: “cleared some leaves blah blah blah”.
November 2nd, 2008 at 01:13
have fun